How to cheat at an office party, and get away with it

How to cheat at an office party, and get away with it

Wait a minute, what are you doing, Doc? Let's put him in there. Radiation suit, of course, cause all of the fall out from the atomic wars. This is truly amazing, a portable television studio. No wonder your president has to be an actor, he's gotta look good on television. Of course, from a group of Libyan Nationalists. They wanted me to build them a bomb, so I took their plutonium and in turn gave them a shiny bomb case full of used pinball machine parts. Now, now, Biff, now, I never noticed any blindspot before when I would drive it. Hi, son.

Listen, Doc, you know there's something I haven't told you about the night we made that tape. Please, Marty, don't tell me, no man should know too much about their own destiny. Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan. And he told me that if I didn't take Lorraine, that he'd melt my brain. No, bastards. What, what?

That's George McFly. You wanna a Pepsi, pall, you're gonna pay for it. Calvin. Look, you gotta listen to me. Now remember, according to my theory you interfered with with your parent's first meeting. They don't meet, they don't fall in love, they won't get married and they wont have kids. That's why your older brother's disappeared from that photograph. Your sister will follow and unless you repair the damages, you will be next.

It's my dad. Wait a minute, what are you doing, Doc? No no. Lorraine, Lorraine, what are you doing? Thanks, thanks a lot. You know what I do in those situations?

McFly. You have this thing hooked up to the car? Oh, oh a rematch, why, were you cheating? Silence Earthling. my name is Darth Vader. I'm am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan. Oh, just a little weather experiment.

Whoa, wait a minute, Doc, are you telling me that my mother has got the hots for me? Uh, I think so. Wait a minute, Doc. What are you talking about? What happens to us in the future? What do we become assholes or something? Ahh. Ahh. Alright, alright, okay McFly, get a grip on yourself. It's all a dream. Just a very intense dream. Woh, hey, listen, you gotta help me.